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Branding is arguably one of the most important facets of any successful business, regardless of its size. An effective brand strategy will provide you with a substantial edge in a very competitive market. Why does proper branding bring big success for these businesses? What exactly does the term “branding” mean? How does it work? And how could it impact a small business like yours? You’ll find the answers to all these questions and more in this easy-to-follow article. So if you’re thinking about starting a small business, if you already have one, or if you’re just searching for some general information on the topic, you’re sure to find everything you’re looking for right here.

Understanding Branding

To best understand what branding is, you need to first realize that your brand is ultimately a promise, made by you, to your customers. It will give them an idea of what kind of experience they can expect from you, your products, and your services. Your brand will also distinguish you from competitors. It’s derived from who you are, who you aspire to become, and how people, namely your customers, will perceive you.

Are you the hotshot risk-taker in your industry, or are you the tried and true experienced one? Maybe you’re always setting the trends that your competitors follow, or maybe you’re known as the reliable one? Is the product that you offer the affordable low-cost option of the high-quality, high-cost option? To anybody who sets out thinking that they can be both, the cold hard truth is that you can’t. I don’t like to say things are impossible, but this is one of those times. Businesses that try to be all things to all people will inevitably fail in the long run. I challenge you to think of a company that has done it, done it well, and continues to still do it. Who you are or who you aspire to become should be based on what kind of customers you want to target, this will also give you insight into what kind of approach is needed to pull off your branding successfully.

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Web Design 101 https://studio972.co.il/en/2023/02/02/web-design-101/ https://studio972.co.il/en/2023/02/02/web-design-101/#comments Thu, 02 Feb 2023 15:02:03 +0000 https://studio972.co.il/?p=5222 So you want to get into web design? Or you’re already into it, but have no idea what you’re doing or where to get started? In either of those cases, it’s a good thing that you came across this article […]

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So you want to get into web design? Or you’re already into it, but have no idea what you’re doing or where to get started? In either of those cases, it’s a good thing that you came across this article because I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to begin your journey into the illustrious world of web design.

First, it’s important to understand that web design at its core is the process of planning, developing, and arranging content online. Nowadays, creating a website goes well beyond just aesthetics with modern-day websites focusing a lot on overall functionality. Web design is related to more than just websites, as it also includes mobile apps, web apps, and user interface design.

There is a not-so-well-known fact that web design can actually have a substantial impact on your performance in search engines like Bing, Yahoo, or Google? I know what you’re thinking, that’s a lot to take in so far but fear not! This article will shed some light on this oftentimes daunting task and provide you with some insight into how to create a website that not only looks and functions great but also ranks high in search engines.

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Getting Started with User Experience Design https://studio972.co.il/en/2023/02/02/getting-started-with-user-experience-design/ https://studio972.co.il/en/2023/02/02/getting-started-with-user-experience-design/#comments Thu, 02 Feb 2023 14:59:49 +0000 https://studio972.co.il/?p=5219 Products that provide an outstanding user experience, like most smartphones, are solely designed with more than the product’s consumption or use in mind but also the entire process of acquiring, owning, and even problem-solving. Its typical for UX designers to […]

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Products that provide an outstanding user experience, like most smartphones, are solely designed with more than the product’s consumption or use in mind but also the entire process of acquiring, owning, and even problem-solving. Its typical for UX designers to not focus on creating usable products instead, they focus on other facets of the user experience, such as pleasure, immersive’s, functionality, efficiency, and fun. Ergo, there is not one definable definition of what a good user experience is. Instead, we judge a good user experience on whether or not a particular product or service meets the need that we’re trying to meet.

UX design is not the same thing as UI design

If you’re not very familiar with UX or UI, it’s easy to see how they can be commonly mistaken for one another. UI refers to the user interface, and while it is a very important part of the entire experience, it primarily serves as the service layer of a product. Perhaps part of the reason for the confusion is that people tend to associate the word “design” with visuals. Even though the user interface is a crucial aspect of the user experience, it’s just the surface layer of a product.

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